Independence education centre "Kitaip"

"A.C. Patria" area of ​​self-education has existed since 2007, when employees started organizing camps and experiential trips for young people growing up or growing up in care homes. We noticed that the young people quickly forget the impressions and knowledge gained during the trips when they return to the care home. Then 2009 The Independence Education Center “Kitaip” was established in 2006. It consisted of accompanying accommodation (accommodation) and a counseling center (individual counseling, escort handling documents, employment, outbound activities, etc.).


We are proud of our work

Principles of our activity

A relationship based on trust and openness

We respect the stories and difficulties of young people. The young person is usually accompanied on the path of independence by one employee, who communicates with him / her, consults in case of difficulties, helps the young person to grow and strengthen as a personality.

Consistent, continuous, individual-oriented accompaniment of the young person

Empowering the young person

A young person is trying to overcome the challenges himself. The staff helps, is nearby, reinforces, shows, explains, but does not do the work for the young individual.

The purpose of the center is to provide assistance to 16-29 year olds. to a young person growing up or growing up in care. "Kitaip" employees prepare young people for independent living. Helps to acquire social and communication skills, invites to try oneself in new activities (experiential hike, initiatives, training, apprenticeship, etc.). Helps to find and stay in an educational institution, a job.

We are proud of our work

What do we do?

Individual counseling and information

We provide young people with continuous, consistent individual counseling, during which they learn to solve the challenges that arise in everyday life, at school, at work, in relationships, in the family or in a care home.

Accompanying documents handling

We help young people to arrange the necessary documents after leaving a care home, guardians, families: for a social dormitory or accommodation, a lump sum, for entering a school, for entering an employment service, for health, and so on.

Group activities

We organize group and outing activities for young people: day trips, camps, experiential trips, international exchanges, etc. During them, young people learn social, conflict management, decision making, communication, and more. skills.


We provide young people up to 1 year long accommodation and intensive self-employment service in accompanying accommodation. We encourage young people to pursue individual goals, develop communication, conflict management, decision-making, financial and time planning, hygiene and other social skills.


The young individual has the opportunity for 160 hours to practically test the desired specialty. This is a real opportunity to "try on" the profession. 

Communication with partners

Communication with organizations, institutions where young people live, study, receive treatment, etc.

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